torsdag 28. mars 2013

No solutions can be found by joining with the darkness in its conflicts - March 27, 2013

By John Smallman  

John Smallman reflekterer over det vi alle er opptatt av - Oppvåkning - som har Illusjon som motpart. Det er den store Oppstandelsen på Jorda, den vi har lest om har skjedd tidligere på planeten. Vi har sovet så lenge og føler så smått behovet for å slå øynene opp. Nå forstår vi at historien er vår.  Det er vår egen historie vi har lært om fra vi grønn og umodne hentet inn litt oversiktskunnskap. Vi måtte bare bruke så lang tid på å forstå hva vi lærte. 

"We are One, God, and all of creation, all sentient consciousness, every single incarnate human (who has been in, is now in, or will enter that state of human embodiment), all that exists.  You know this because you have been told it more than often enough, and deep within yourselves your intuition tells you it is true, even though as embodied humans you do not for the most part experience it.  A few have had brief and ecstatic encounters with that Oneness, but while you remain embodied they can only be temporary, although the memories remain, because you cannot bring those encounters into the illusion, into time, where you appear to have your existence – they are timeless, limitless, eternal, and so it is impossible.  They just won’t fit!

But knowing, believing, and having faith that all are One, focus on treating all others as if they were yourself, and then, most importantly, treat yourself well.  If you do not treat yourselves well – lovingly, kindly, compassionately, non-judgmentally – you cannot treat others well.  That does not, of course, mean that you should expect them to be like you, with similar beliefs and interests, because there are infinite numbers of ways to know God, and to assume, as many do, that your way is the right way, the only way, leads, as you very well know, to unending conflict."   forts.

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