onsdag 24. juli 2013

GREGG BRADEN in Peru - Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living - With Special Entrance into Machu Picchu! - July 29 - August 11, 2013

Machu Picchu

"Five thousand years ago the mysterious inhabitants of Peru built the most advanced civilization known in the Western hemisphere until modern times. The ancient Andeans built massive pyramids, complex observatories, grew sustainable sources of food, accomplished sophisticated astronomy, and had a coded information storage system that remained secret until scientists decoded it in the 20th Century.

The legacy of Andean wisdom has opened the door to more questions than it has answered: Who were these people? Where did they come from? And, perhaps most important of all, what did they know in their time that may help us solve the personal, and global crises of living we face in ours? The answer to these and similar questions lies in unlocking the secrets they left behind—the secret of fast-growing, high yield and sustainable crops, the use of minerals, rare herbs and heart-based emotion for advanced healing of the body, the keys to 100-plus-year-long human life spans, and much more!

Fact: The Andes Mountains of Southern Peru is one of only 5 places in the world today with the highest concentrations of people living over 100 years of age!

Fact: The secrets of ancient Andean wisdom are preserved in the traditions of ancient peoples including the Q’uero, Quechua and Aymara peoples of today, as well as the archaeological discoveries that are happening now!

Fact: Ancient Andeans built sophisticated agricultural terraces that could optimize soil temperature by 5 degrees at a time to find the best conditions for their crops!

It’s impossible to solve the enigma of the ancient Andes through the eyes of traditional history. The only way to make sense of what scientists call ‘the Andean mystery’ is to think about ourselves differently than we have since the birth of science three centuries ago. We must cross the traditional boundaries that separate science, religion, spirituality and history, and marry these many ways of knowing into a single new wisdom. When we do, something remarkable happens!

JOIN GREGG BRADEN on this once-in-a-lifetime journey as he shares the Andean discoveries of sustainable living that we can apply to ourselves, as well as our families, within our communities, and between our nations. Through a powerful synthesis of easy-to understand science and the wisdom traditions of the past, Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living is a multi-experiential program designed to find new meaning, and give new hope, for the positive new world that is emerging before our eyes!"

Se her for mer informasjon:  Travel to Peru - Power Places Tours

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