lørdag 12. mai 2012

Hvordan blir situasjonen for jordboerne heretter

"Many people appear to be most concerned about whether health and wholeness will return in the coming New Year.  I therefore repost an article from December 2011 on the subject.  "

"The End Times and the Golden Age associated with our climb to the Fifth Dimension will see a great number of changes in our experience of our life, our health, and our bodies.

These changes will happen gradually as move through the Fourth to the Fifth Dimensions and will continue past Ascension on our endless journey back to God. Let’s review some of them.

Bodies Less Physical

One of the major differences between this Ascension and any other that has occurred before is that, in this Ascension, as Matthew Ward tells us, “the souls who accompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies.” (1)

While physicality continues to exist in some form throughout the dimensions between us and God and only ceases to exist with our return to the Formless, our bodies become increasingly refined the higher up the ladder of dimensionality we go. SaLuSa tells us that “when you reach our stage, as you eventually will, the body is much less physical.” (2)

It is less physical, SaLuSa says, because “in the higher dimensions your body will [be comprised] of matter of a much higher vibration.” (3) Not only our bodies, he says, but “everything around you will also be in a state of perfection.” (4) The changes will be gradual, SaLuSa informs us: “Allow for great changes to come with Ascension, clearly not all at once but as a process of evolution that is always taking place.” (5)

On occasion, SaLuSa suggests that majority of these changes awaits Ascension, such as here: “ That time will come when you ascend, and nothing such as disease will be able to make any difference to you.” (6) But on other occasions, he suggests that many of the changes will occur before Ascension, such as here: “If you have imperfections now such as some form of disablement, it will have been corrected before you ascend.” (7) Or here: “Even between now and the end of the cycle, you will notice quite big changes within yourselves. Harmony and balance in all things is taking place, and it will continue even until after Ascension.” (8)"

"Health and Wholeness will Return in the Year Ahead (Repost)"

2012 MAY 12    (v/ Steve Beckow)

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