torsdag 24. mai 2012

The Elementals Speak

The Elementals Speak
24 May 2012   Channeler:  Ree

Har du merket elementalene - i naturen spesielt?  Er vi årvåkne på våre vandringer i naturen, merker vi at elementalene er sterkt tilstede.  De hopper og spretter rundt oss og er fulle av liv og de fyller turen vår med den herligste energi.  Personlig har jeg merket trærnes elementaler svært godt, men også vannets og steinenes - særlig de kjempestore.   På et bilde jeg tok på en biltur, viste fjellets elemental seg helt tydelig fram på bildet.   God Jakt.

We are The Elementals. We come through now to remind each and every one of you of our existence. With the recent shift to the upper fourth and the departure of beloved Gaia we have taken on new form. We are ascending too and our consciousness is evolving just as yours is. Because we see and know the truth of the world and creation the recent shift in energy has been fully felt and seen amongst us, your dear cousins, The Elementals. 

We have watched you, the human race, as you sunk further into unconsciousness. We never went away we just watched from the side lines and assisted those who knew of our existence and chose to work with us. We come forward now to remind each and every one of you of our presence and our grace upon this plane. We are intertwined within your creations and without our presence your dreams would not manifest. We ask that you note our presence and honour us daily ushering in the new age of appreciation and anchoring the energies of new earth. 

We have taken on a fuller form and we are present within all. When you note our presence it gives us energy to drive manifestations. When you honour us with love and gratitude it gives us more driving force to create thus creating more said energy for all upon earth. Life is but a simple creation, it is the ego that has made it seem complex. The human mind has an inert ability to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Alas dear humans but you are no longer human. You are multidimensional beings and the further you simplify your mind the more potent your creation energy becomes. Live and rejoice and give thanks for that which surrounds you. 

Give thanks to The Elementals and let us become majestic once again."

In love of your creations, The Elementals.

Channelings |

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