torsdag 31. mai 2012

A Greenprint for LIFE

A Greenprint for LIFE
=200 leaders, government ministers and UN representatives=>
=ONE announcement can fix/heal our planet  =>=>=>=>=>
= Tell the leaders this cover-up ends now and forever =>=>=>=>
= Click on the AVAAZ link immediately to the right =>
= It is time for global peace, health, joy and prosperity for ALL! =>

"Most visiting this website will already know and see the changes that are now rapidly happening all over the world, and will understand why they are happening.

There will be others who are coming here for the first time, who are only now beginning to see and understand that things in the world are no longer what they thought.  It is possible that some are having some challenges understanding what is happening and why.  The 'what' is fairly easy to answer, but the 'why' is more complicated and only those who are truly open and ready to begin exploring what is going on.

Humanity is beginning to awaken to their connection to a much larger understanding of LIFE and a much deeper energetic connection to it.  Humanity is beginning to understand that, energetically-speaking, everything is ONE; that our planet is a living (and breathing) sentient lifeform; that this lifeform has been seriously hurt; and that this lifeform is changing.

These changes are being caused energetically, and these energies are also affecting human consciousness.  Humans worldwide are awakening, and if one requires any proof, one does not need to look further than the 'Occupy' movements that are happening everywhere.

What many do not yet realize, but will very soon learn, is that these changes are being assisted on more levels that are currently beyond the understanding of most people.  Part of the work of A Greenprint For LIFE is to help facilitate this understanding at whatever level is required by each individual in this moment of 'now'.

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' in the human journey of awakening.  Each individual has needed to be exactly where she/he is, in order for this larger experience of the human journey to known, felt and understood.  The message and work of this site is to offer perspectives that will resonate with any individual, at whatever level is necessary, to begin a process of awakening to exactly what is 'truth' for that individual, and to help empower that individual in remembering his/her 'truth', the unique message that she/he came to Earth at this time to share with the rest of the world.

This work covers a very broad range of topics and issues.  If one part of this message does not resonate with you at this time, please simply set it aside and do not spend any time with it.  Some will resonate with all of it; others to only certain parts of it, and yes there will be even those who will reject this message completely.  All are Divinely perfect, and are to be loved equally!  A time will come when millions more will be ready for their 'truth' to be known, and to find their role in the current changes.  The work and the vision that is the Greenprint For LIFE has always been challenging due to the broad-range of issues that are now being connected together to help facilitate one's connection to and deeper energetic relationship to LIFE.  We are ONE however, and this message is now beginning to move around the world, literally at the speed of 'Light'!"   Home | Greenprint for LIFE

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