onsdag 21. august 2013

Suzanne Ward og Matthew

Dette er slutten på siste melding fra Matthew (15. august d.å.) Jeg setter den inn spesielt, fordi den har en spesiell melding å komme med til oss alle.  Det handler om St. Germain's ord denne gangen, iflg. Matthew.

"People need to know that the energy of their thoughts and feelings shoots out into the universal soup and brings back what matches the energy sent forth. They need to know how fear adversely affects their lives and that the energy of fear empowers the self-serving or short-sighted individuals who are opposing changes that can benefit the world. You can suggest “down-to-Earth” sources that explain this—The Secret, The Power of NOW and The Power of Positive Thinking are well known books.

Many other sources of excellent information also are available—some you may know about, others you may need to discover. Knowledgeable, respected individuals in areas such as economics, technology, communication, health care, law, religion, social equality, philosophy, government or the environment have written about the developments in their specialty fields that are paving the way to the kind of world that you have been helping to create all along.

You also can tell interested persons about Web sites that have accurate information regarding other civilizations’ presence, “9/11” and the Illuminati, for example. If they are open to telepathic communications, please give them the sites where our messages and those from other light sources are posted—but be very discerning about which channeled messages are credible!

Perhaps more than any other factor, though, your positive attitude about today’s happenings and what is ahead for your world will inspire others to start perceiving things that way too, and what a triumph that will be!

You may think of me as the 17-year old boy who died in a vehicle wreck and started talking telepathically with his mother 14 years later and wonder: Does he really know what he’s talking about? However, no one who knows of St. Germain doubts his ancient wisdom and knowledge!

With gratitude for permission, we share with you an excerpt from his June 12th message transmitted to Valerie Donner and posted at http://www.thegroundcrew.com/updates/vdonner/2013/061313_print.htm.

Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am pleased to speak with you again.

You can’t take anything for granted and you can’t shirk your responsibilities. As a Master, I can tell you this is the most pivotal time on the Earth.

I follow your progress and you are rich in your results. There is so much more to do in this complex ascension process. A lot is going to be required of you particularly in the area of your attitudes. A positive attitude will carry you a long way. If you rise above the turmoil and the fear-based thinking you will see there are ample opportunities for you to be of service.

Starting with yourself is the most important thing you can do. Take responsibility for thoughts, words and actions. Gather with other like-minded friends. Invite us in to help you to make plans and carry them out. Be open to connecting more with the space brothers and sisters that are also waiting to carry out their parts of the Divine Plan.

Beloved family, heeding St. Germain’s words will enrich your lives and expand love in your world. And please remember that never are you alone—myriad arms of God, unseen but powerful in their caring and capability to assist, are with you in every moment."


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