torsdag 1. august 2013

2013 - Et emosjonelt år

Jupiter vil være i Krepsen hele dette året, noe som er svar på at følelsene blir uregjerlige.  Vannet styrer følelsene og med en hurtiggående Jupiter i vill uorden og lekende positur rundt omkring i dette vannet, må det bli dramatikk. Stormer og flom setter menneskenes utholdenhet på prøve. Opprøret syder og koker der inne, og ikke der ute.  Mens dette pågår i Krepsen, så er Uranus på vill ferd i Væren.  Dette gir som resultat, brann i rosenes leirog Juli som vi nettopp har forlatt har vært full av akutte aktiviteter og nye overraskelser   Det fortsetter på denne måten i det halvåret vi har igjen, men nå har vi jo trening.  Les videre og se det blir livlig i siste halvår også.

Planet Alert July 2013

"Here we are in July already, where does time go?  We made it through the first six months of this year and what a ride that was. The Summer Solstice and the full moon brought lots of storms and flooding in various places. The large flooding in Calgary was caused by the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter at the Summer Solstice. Jupiter brings large events. The flooding in Calgary did as much damage to that city as Katrina did to New Orleans. Then of course there was the flooding in India and China.
The storms and flooding will continue as Jupiter continues to move through the sign of Cancer. It will be there for one year. This will cause more water events from the Midwest to the Southeast and to the East Coast of the United States. Other parts of the world will also experience more storms and flooding.  Water also rules emotions so this will continue to be a very emotional year.
Uranus is in the fire sign Aries. This will continue to bring more fires, drought, heat, and volcanic eruptions to the dry areas of the world. Have you noticed how many fires and volcanic eruptions have been occurring this year?  On July 4th the sun will square Uranus which could bring some unexpected action from our government, or something unexpected could happen. It could also foretell a large summer storm coming into the Midwest or the East Coast, and possibly China. The month of July will be full of action and surprises.
In August Jupiter will trigger the cardinal cross. Pluto will be in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in Cancer. Uranus rules revolutions. The revolutions started in Tunisia in January of 2011 just before Uranus went into Aries. Then the revolutions went through the Middle East countries where they are still occurring. Brazil is also experiencing a major revolution. The energy of revolution will continue for a long time, especially during the activation of the cardinal cross, and will expand to other countries. We are in a revolution of consciousness like we experienced in the sixties."   forts.

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