lørdag 24. august 2013

Har alle fått nok nå ...

Det ser ut til at endringene nå kommer i en skala som gir oss alle innsyn i det nye. Jeg liker godt Gandhi's måte å si det på;   Mahatma Gandhi:  "There is no path to peace;  peace is the path".  Kom ut og ta del i marsjen på "Fredsstien", nå har vel alle fått nok av noens higen etter bruk av rå makt og drap av menneskeliv.  Vi vil ha fred på Moder Jord.  Er det så vanskelig å være medmenneske?

"Peace Portal Activation August 25th, 2013"


On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet.

On that day, the next grand sextile astrological configuration of this summer after the grand sextile of July 29th will take place:

This configuration will be more powerful than the previous grand sextile because in addition to the grand sextile of the Moon, Jupiter, Sun/Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune, the astrological chart of August 25th also includes a cardinal cross of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus.

Therefore the activation of the Peace Portal will offer an unique opportunity to transform the tension of Uranus/Pluto square (intensified on that day with Jupiter and Venus into a cardinal cross) with the harmonizing effects of the grand sextile. This means that all deeply rooted conflicts on the surface of the planet can begin to finally begin resolving if the critical mass of 144,000 people activating this portal is achieved. 

This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives:"

"There is no path to peace;  peace is the path."  Mahatma Gandhi

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