tirsdag 7. august 2012


Artikkelen gir et godt innblikk i det som skjer med oss i denne tida.  Vi forlater trinn etter trinn i vår vekst og avanserer i forståelse.  Det krever intens innsats fra den som skal forstå seg inn i det ukjente.  Jo mer mentalt troende vi er i 3d, jo tyngre er det å forstå hva som skjer. Dette opplever nok mange i denne tida, spesielt, og jo mer forvirrede tankene blir, jo mer smerter det kroppen.  Alt henger sammen med alt.



"It is not that you are waiting for a certain time for things to happen. Time is a third dimensional illusion. Instead, you are waiting for a certain frequency of reality for things to happen. The many changes that are occurring in your reality are happening because your frequency of reality is rising in resonance. When a reality is moving into a higher frequency, there is more Unity and less separation, less time and more NOW.

What happened in the past, or what may happen in the future is becoming less important than what is happening right NOW. In fact, as you continue with your expanding consciousness, you realize that the real question is, “What reality am I creating?” You may also be thinking, “To what reality/situation do I choose to attach my attention?”

Myriad realities are easily perceivable through your fifth dimensional perceptions that are unknown when you perceive reality through your third dimensional consciousness. Because of the “fall into the third dimension” after Atlantis, many sub-frequencies of Earth splintered off, almost as if they were trying to “put on the breaks.”

Now your consciousness, and hence your perceptions, are moving into higher versions of your reality. It is still your life, as you have always known it, but is a higher resonance of that life.

Remember that you are not having a personal ascension where you see yourself fly off beyond the confines of your physical world. Just as you are all changing bit-by-bit every day in an exponential manner, Earth is changing in the same exponential way. Therefore, your reality is changing because your frequency of reality is shifty.

As the frequency of your reality rises, it moves beyond the frequency of polarity. Polarity is, actually, an unnatural state. There are more inhabited fifth-dimensional worlds then there are inhabited third-dimensional worlds. Third-dimensional worlds are similar to hatcheries where the baby chicks can be born and gradually learn how to fly.  

Once they can fly, the chicks leave the hatchery and go off to a new life. This  “hatchery” planet is now closing. The grounded baby chicks will soon be flying into new worlds. These worlds were always there, but the chicks could not see them because they were too high up. In the same manner, humanity is “flying up,” but up in frequency, not in space. Therefore, your life will change as your resonance changes. Humanity is ready for adulthood." forts.

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