tirsdag 7. august 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your Assignments’ - As channeled through Greg Giles

"It is time to now put aside all the limiting distractions and confusions that are keeping you from reaching your goals and fulfilling your assignments at this time. We would like to see more of you participating in the events that you had shown such great interest in before you headed this way so long ago. Many of you were very interested in participating in these world changing plans and could not wait to get here and begin. What has changed for you? What has changed in your life that is now keeping you from doing what it is you so wanted to do? 

We are here just as we had planned and had promised you. We did not forget our end of the bargain. Now that we are here we ask you to now participate and uphold your end of the bargain, but many of you do not heed this call and respond to your sworn duties, to your responsibilities to your mission in the name of your Creator, to your universe and to yourselves. Why is this so? What is it that is so interesting, so distracting, so mesmerizing, so time consuming that keeps you from fulfilling your oath to perform your duties to the best of your abilities at all times once you had been reminded or awakened to your divine mission in service to your planet, each other and to all of us throughout our universe? This is what we ask you today. We ask you, our brothers and sisters, could you explain to us just what it is that busies you so that keeps you from fulfilling the duties of your mission. We would like for those of you who are not participating either fully or partly to leave your comments beneath our message and tell us why it is that you are too busy, have changed your mind or are unwilling on any level to participate in our mission to restore love and light to this world that has fallen so deeply into darkness, a mission that’s success or failure will reverberate throughout this entire universe.

We will be reading all the comments beneath today’s message throughout your online communities. We are greatly interested in your responses, as we do not know and we cannot figure out why there are so few of you involved completely or even partially in our mission. There are so many more of you who have signed up for this mission than have responded. We cannot give you precise statistics on this, as many of you are participating fractionally or on a part time level and it is difficult to measure exactly how much these beings are participating and how much they are not participating. We do keep tabs on who it is that are doing what, please do not get us wrong. We clearly see and have taken note of all the work that each and every one of you are doing. What we are simply saying is it is difficult to surmise an exact figure in regards to how much work each of you are doing. We will just say that it is clear that some of you are doing far more work than others and some of you are doing none at all."  forts.

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