onsdag 22. august 2012

Embracing the Fire of Creation

The Teachings of Michael   August 2012

Ancient Wings®

"Embracing the Fire of Creation"


"I know its been a few months since my last newsletter. I hope everyone had a wonderful spring and that your also enjoying your summer! If you haven't noticed, the energy this year has truly been pumped up. Michael has been talking for some time about the emerging presence of Christ consciousness during 2012. I celebrate each day for this empowering presence and bless all the things in my life that no longer resonate with this quality of love. 

We've been given the tools during this lifetime to prepare us for this presence. I know many of you are finding it very difficult to maintain a relationship with life that is based in dualistic terms. Christ consciousness is all about unifying opposing forces, bringing into balance the light and dark aspects of your soul. Its very important to accept whatever condition you find your life in and as well to allow this energy to help meld, transform and integrate the presence of your divine nature. This is not a time to withdraw or to ask your mind to provide the answers you are seeking. This is the time to bravely go where very few have traveled, all in the name of your own freedom and sovereignty. 

Koka and I returned last week from a one week road trip thru eastern Oregon, Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. We were truly awed by the beauty of this planet, at times it was simply overwhelming. This was one of those trips that reaffirmed our devotion to serving this new consciousness here on Earth. While in Colorado, we attended the Crimson Circle monthly meeting as guests. I was honored to deliver a lectern as a gift to all the new speakers and to share the stage with Geoff and LInda Hoppe and Adamus. They were very gracious, supportive and provided a great potluck and celebration with the music of Yoham. 

I encourage each of you to use this unique opportunity to step out of your familiar story and into your new freedom. In this lifetime, we can finally come together as living examples of Spirit incarnate!"  forts.

All my blessings,


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