søndag 22. juli 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us'

"Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now.
We would like to discuss with you ways to better communicate with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We do see that there are those of you who wish to begin or to improve your communications with us, and we say to you there are methods that you can use to better open up the lines of communication. We would recommend to you to choose a particular time of day or night when you wish to communicate with those assigned to your team or even your guides who may be members of our organization. To do this, simply begin your meditations, or however it is you wish to begin communicating with us, at the same time of day or night so those on the other end of the line with you will know when to ‘pick up the phone’, as it were, and listen for you as you listen for them. This is how it better works for both of us."  forts.           Ascension Earth 2012

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