lørdag 17. mai 2014

Messages from the Angels - Bring your best to now - Saturday, May 17, 2014

There is a time and a season for everything dear ones, and if you surrender to this you will find that everything in your life flows with grace. However so many of you feel you should be "making things happen." In reality the only thing that matters is quite simple... given the circumstances and needs in your life right now, are you doing what makes you happiest right now? Are you focusing on the most pleasant thoughts? Are you bringing the most loving attitude to the situation in which you must be? Are you moving kindly away from that which does not enliven you and kindly towards that which does? Are you being the best person you can be, right here and right now? For it is in this moment that your life is occurring. If you want a better future, embrace a better now.

Consider this example. You are driving on a road, and you are forcing yourself to take the shortest route to reach your destination. It goes through unattractive neighborhoods. You encounter a great deal of traffic, and yet you insist "I must take this route! It is the shortest path." Alternately, suppose you had taken a beautiful detour - one with gorgeous scenery and very little traffic. Suppose you had chosen in that moment of facing a fork in the road to take the more appealing path? Well, as you might guess, both will get you to your destination. The shortest one may still get you there faster. But when you arrive, what is your state of mind and heart? Are you happy? If not will reaching a destination automatically "make you happy?" We would argue, it will not. And so as you worry about paying a bill, healing from an illness, or creating that which you desire... Enjoy the journey! For life is happening now, and now, and now again all along the way to creating your dreams. You can choose to be happy now, or you can wait until later. We would encourage you to choose your joy right now.

Breath in deeply. Ask yourself, "What in this given moment, given my time, my money, and my circumstances right now, in this moment, is the most loving thing I can do for myself or another. Wait until the answer arises. It might surprise you. It might be too easy. Life is actually very simple when lived one moment at a time!

In truth, this moment is all you have. Live it well!

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