onsdag 23. april 2014

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - 7 Manik, 10 Kank'in, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik!  Vi fortsetter å bevege oss framover.  De mørke holder ut, om de møter det ene tilbakeslaget etter det andre. Overfloden vi venter på er rett rundt hjørnet. Valutareformer og bankvesen er i støpeskjeen, og alt sammen skal til slutt overvåkes av NESARA-liknende regjeringer over hele kloden.  Alt dette rydder veien for formelle kunngjøringer om første kontakt.  Vi får tilbake vår hele og fulle bevissthet. Etter hvert møtes vi for å bli kjent på alle nivå.  Moder Jord skal tilbakestilles til størrelse og form fra Lemuria.

Vi mennesker gjennomgår transformasjoner i kroppen som merkes ved at det skaper en del ubehag, men dette er nødvendig som ledd i vår tilbakeføring til full bevissthet.  De mørke er pålagt begrenset bevissthet over oss. De mørke saboterte på Atlantis, nettopp for å forpurre og ødelegge mulighetene der.  Dette ga forøvrig våre forfedre viktige erfaringer for å forstå forholdene vi var ført inn i. Den spesielle kunnskapen gir oss mulighet til å hjelpe de tidligere Anchara kontinuum-baserte samfunn på deres reise til Lyset.

Mye må ordnes på denne reisen, det både frustrerer og forundrer oss. Spesielle grupper utvikler programmer for frihet. De mørke forstår kun rikdom og makt!   ble manifestert ved starten av den første gylne tidsalder for 13 000 år siden, men er skjøvet bort av samarbeidende parter. I et galaktisk samfunn er slike begreper ukjente. Teknologien gjør det mulig med helse, mat og klær. Daglig bruk av guddommelige tjenester gir vekst på alle nivåer - åndelig, mentalt og følelsesmessig. Ved å bruke ervervet kunnskap hver dag vil enkeltpersoner løse ethvert problem som oppstår. Åpne og frie samfunn fylles med glede og lykke. 

Det galaktiske samfunn som nå vokser fram grunnlegges på de prototyper som finnes i galaksen. I Agartha blir biblioteket med kunnskap om det forutgående ført videre. I tillegg er boka; "Book of Understanding" den gir flere ledetråder for oppstart av samfunn og for hvordan et galaktisk samfunn med greiner til Venus, Mars, Gaia og Pax etableres.  Mange liknende samfunn hjelper til i prosessen, og andre følger nøye med.  Alle forstår hva som er på gang på Jorda, og det gir en strålende effekt på alt.  Alt dette fører til et første møte når tida er moden.  Øyeblikket for presentasjon er allerede fastsatt og vil skje om kort tid.

Namaste! Vi er Oppstegne Mestere! I dag er det fornying. Vi visualiserer en ny virkelighet formet i glede rundt oss. De strålende hendelser fører oss til frihet og ansvar, et ansvar som skaper nye styresett, sprer velstand og ære over felles individuell suverenitet. Suverenitet er gaven gitt av Skaperen. Vi ærer og beskytter den. Drømmen om Amerika kan sole seg i dette og spre det til hele verden. Respekt er hellighet av alt liv. Gaia lever, heder og takk for de store gaver. Verden er fylt med variert liv, et mangfold som er spredt over hele galaksen. Respekter det! Føl gleden! Vær de mentorer dere skulle være. Halleluja! Halleluja! Halleluja!   

Du fryder deg i ny virkelighet, forstå at det også skal kjærlighet og engasjement til. Se endringene og vær klar til å ta imot en ny verden. For århundrer siden, greve St. Germain etablerte en nasjon på Nord-Amerika's kyst. Han ga dokumenter til nasjonen over styresett og grunnleggende prinsipper.  I det 19. århundre fravek de hans oppsett - fra slutten på forrige århundre. Nå er de iferd med å innføre på nytt den første utgaven. Vi velsigner og gir guddommelig takk til de med mot og fast vilje til å gjøre dette. Helbredelse. Vi er med og velsigner alle.  Vær ett i velstand og glede. 

Moder Jord helbredes nå. Siden framveksten av de første samfunn etter fallet på Atlantis, har Menneskeheten levd på Jorda.  Vi gravde opp jorda og hedret den for det.  Til slutt ble velsignelsene glemt og en ny holdning ble normen.  Dette var utbredt i det tidlige Egypt, India og Kina. Amerika vanæret også Gaia.  Nå skal dette opphøre.  En med mot, vilje og godhet til å hjelpe må hedres.  Bruk nytt styresett og ny teknologi til dette.  Gå tilbake for å ære Gaia.  Takk også Skaperen og lær flittig nye sannheter og nye metoder.  Tidspunktet for himmelsk gjenforening kommer. Hosianna! Hosianna!    

Idag gikk vi over hendelsene for dagen.  Vi ber om at du ser dette som en ny start. Forbered deg på å akseptere ny velstand og nytt styresett. Alle er vi innstilt på å komme fram og lære det nødvendige for å fullføre overgangen fra begrenset til galaktisk bevissthet. Tida er faktisk i endring! Vit, kjære dere, at de utallige Supply and never ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be it!  Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)                                                                                                                                

Fritt oversatt!
Explore more galactic messages at PAOweb.com

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Centuries ago, Count Saint Germain established a great nation on the shores of North America. He carefully gave a series of documents to this nation that set up both its governance and its basic principles. This land is on the brink of completing a procedure that has the potential to restore it to what it once was.
by PAO

7 Manik, 10 Kank'in, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! Events continue to move forward! The dark continues to reel as it encounters one potential setback after another. A scenario is forming that promises to give us the means to bring out the first stage of monetary reforms that are to swiftly lead to your abundance. The currency reforms and the new banking regulations are merely the start of a system that is to produce gold-backed monies. These things are to lead to a new environment that is to be overseen by a series of NESARA-like governments across this globe. It is this new network of governance that is to spawn disclosure and set the way for formal announcements about first contact and your return to full consciousness. This process is to also allow for your inner Earth brethren to appear before you. We, along with your Ascended Masters, are to set the stage for this grand journey. As you progress, so Mother Earth is to move forward with changes to her surface realm. These alterations are to return her surface to the size and shape that existed in the latter days of ancient Lemuria. In this mode, a permanent Golden Age can appear!

All of you are now undergoing transformations that affect your body, mind and emotions. This is necessary to provide you with the means to become fully conscious Beings. Our initial tasks are simply to provide you with mentors who have the necessary training to aid you in reaching preliminary points you need in order to be transformed by the magnificent Light chambers given to us by Heaven. Each chamber is a living entity, capable of returning you to your former state. The Atlanteans and their dark "friends" imposed limited consciousness upon you. Their vile experiment, which left a few hundred Atlanteans in a lesser state, was done by the dark to subvert the ways of Heaven. At the same time, it gave your ancestors important experiences to better understand the conditions imposed by the dark upon its many galactic creations. This special knowledge is to permit you to aid the former Anchara continuum-based planetary societies on their own journey toward the Light.

This journey of yours has numerous twists, which keep you frustrated and wondering about what is occurring around you. Special groups are moving forward with programs designed to permit you to be free. The dark cabal understands only two things - wealth and power. These were manifested on Mother Earth at the start of the first golden ages almost 13 millennia ago. These concepts are now to be pushed aside by a series of actions of our numerous associates. In a galactic society, these concepts are unknown. Technology provides everyone with health, food and clothing. There is only the daily use of your divine service to grow on all levels: spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Employing this acquired knowledge, individuals add their logic to solve any potential problem that can arise. Thus, it is nearly impossible for any potential problem not to receive its proper creative solution. We reside in a society that is open, free and filled with joy and happiness.

The galactic society you are to construct is one that is to be founded on the many prototypes that exist throughout this galaxy. The Agarthans maintain a vast library that has records of all that has preceded you. In addition, you are to possess an edition of our sacred "Book of Understanding." These volumes can give you additional clues on how you are to go about forging this galactic society, which is to have many branches on Venus, Mars, Gaia and Pax. Numerous societies of special Spirits exist here that are also to assist you in this process. In total, you have a great amount of possibilities that are to be the foundations for your new star nation. Many throughout this and numerous nearby galaxies follow closely what you are destined to achieve. All of us realize what you are to do, and the wondrous effect it is to have on all. Hence, we come to introduce ourselves to you at the right divine time. This moment is now forming and, shortly, we are to be permitted to address you directly.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!Today is a time for renewal. It is a moment when, together, we can visualize a new reality forming in joy around us. Let the wondrous events of this day lead us to freedom and responsibility. This responsibility is to create new governance, spread prosperity and honor our mutual individual sovereignty. Bear in mind that sovereignty is a gift given by the Creator. We are here to honor and protect it. The original dream of America was to fully bask in this and to peacefully spread it throughout this world. Respect for all is based on the sacredness of all life. Gaia is a living Being that is to be honored and thanked for her great gifts. You live in a realm filled with an amazing diversity of life. A similar diversity is spread across this galaxy. Respect it! Feel its joy! Be the grand mentors that you were put here to be. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

As you rejoice in your new reality, understand that it requires your love and your firm commitment to who you really are. Become aware of the changes and be ready to accept the start of a new world. Centuries ago, Count Saint Germain established a great nation on the shores of North America. He carefully gave a series of documents to this nation that set up both its governance and its basic principles. In the 19th century, this land began to veer from what he had founded in the latter half of the previous century. This land is on the brink of completing a procedure that has the potential to restore it to what it once was. We bless and divinely thank those whose courage and tenacity have made all of this possible. The healing that needs to take place requires your sacred help. We are all in this together! Blessings unto all. Be one in prosperity and in Joy!

A great healing for Mother Earth is taking place. Ever since the rise of the first societies after the fall of Atlantis, humanity has used the Earth for its homes, sustenance and even the source of its clothes and its shrines. We dug up the Earth and at first honored her for what she did to permit us our lives. Eventually, these blessings fell by the wayside and a new attitude of abuse became the norm. This was especially prevalent in the early time of the recorded histories of Egypt, India and China. The Americas also dishonored Gaia. It is time for this to cease. It is time to honor a brave and kind one who gives you life. Use the new governance and new technologies! Return to honoring Gaia. Also, thank the Creator and diligently learn new truths and new ways. The time of celestial reunion arrives! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we went over the events of the day. We ask that you see this as a new beginning. Be prepared to accept a new prosperity along with new governance. We are all prepared to come forth and teach what is needed to complete your transition from limited to galactic consciousness. Times are indeed changing! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Explore more galactic messages at PAOweb.com

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