torsdag 17. oktober 2013

Greetings from Home - You Are Beautiful Imperfections - Greetings, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service

"I am here to settle everybody down for a moment and to give you a big old smile—one of my smiles…there you go. You think it is amusing that I am sitting up here talking in this funny voice, smiling and acting silly, but do you know what I am doing? I am settling the energy because if you just close your eyes for a minute and reach out in front of you energetically, you can almost feel the level of the energy in the room. A lot of you felt it when you first came in today and some of you went back out and came back in again a couple of times to acclimate to the energy. You know, it is becoming real. That is the nice part about it because for a long time this could not be part of your reality. You see, it exists in the smaller worlds when you are children. But when you start to become adults you do not re-member that you can feel the energy of the room; you do not even think that you can even feel the hearts of others people, but you can. When the Keeper was really small, his parents were religious and they kept taking him to church all the time and he wanted to be a preacher at some point so he kept asking, “How do I get there? How can I be the best that I can be?” They just kept saying, “Be good. Be good. Just be good no matter what.” Well, what is actually good? He was very confused about that until he was caught being bad then he understood a bit more. Sometimes you need the polarity to see where your boundaries are and there is nothing wrong with that, dear ones. You are on the Earth for a reason. Number one: You are not expected to be perfect, did you know that? In other words, you cannot be perfect even if you tried to be. That is part of the rules on planet Earth. There is only imperfection here. Perfection is at Home. When you come to Earth you divide all your perfection into different dimensional levels just so you can play and pretend to be perfect. Now we are going to ask you to shine your light on all your beautiful imperfections because that is truly the light from Home that you brought. That is the essence of the flavor of light that you give it.

We Are the Ice Cream – You Are the Flavors

The Collective Heart of Humanity

We gave a channel that was very interesting to me because it was straight from my heart and it was all about ice cream. Oh yes, ice cream on your planet is very popular and for a lot of different reasons. Not only does it taste good, it is sweet and always puts a smile on your face but it always offers a bunch of choices, does it not? You can choose this flavor or that flavor,  and eat ice cream so many different ways … in a cone, in a milkshake, or a banana split. Well, that is the way we put it because it kind of expresses who we are. You see, at Home we do not have to deal with the egos or the physical bubbles of biology that you do. We are the light; we are the ice cream and you are the many flavors. You are all expected to bring it through to the best of your individual flavor. The light is the same light coming through all these beautiful rays; each one of you flavors this light in the most exquisite way. Well, that is the light out there that you are now starting to sense when you feel the energy in the room. Although you are experiencing that, there is much more than that now. There are people all over the planet who have been thinking that they have been in charge, but are realizing this is no longer the case. Many of them are people you have elected to run your governments and put in important positions to run things for you. They think they are in charge so they do the best they can because most of them are working from their heart, too. You have to understand that even if you disagree with someone, it does not mean that they are not working from their heart. It just means they are not communicating with both their heart and head, so they are up against the energy in the room. You see, it was not as important before because not everyone could feel it. Now you all are feeling everyone else’s energy. Your technologies certainly have something to do with it, because youcan all pull out a cell phone now and pull up all kinds of things very quickly on the internet. You could not do before, and you are no longer limited in the way you used to be. That energy in the room is not the energy in the room anymore, for it is the energy on planet Earth. Everybody is feeling it and trying to figure out where the resistance is, and where the path of least resistance is.  It is the collective heart on planet Earth; it is the one heart of planet Earth, of humanity." forts.

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