torsdag 2. august 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command 8/1/12 ‘Meeting Notification & Golden Rule' As channeled through Greg Giles

Message from the Ashtar Command 8/1/12 ‘Meeting Notification & Golden Rule'
As channeled through Greg Giles

"Stirring into the mix of your reality are aspects of yourselves, of your lives that you may begin to feel are not necessary or positive ingredients to your new world and your new lives. These are lower aspects of yourselves that cling onto you as if they need a host body to survive, and it is you, in your weaker states, your weaker moments that provide these aspects of yourself the energy that fuels their prolonged survival. You do not need these lower aspects of yourself to learn from them any longer, as you have reached a point where their lower vibrations now only serve to weigh you down and keep you bogged down in a lower dimensional state than the dimensional state that now fits you more suitably. 

You are being called now back to your higher state, your higher self, and unwanted and unneeded aspects of your lower dimensional journey are not invited, are not called, are not necessary any longer for you as a learning tool and to measure yourself on your progress and your development. Do you understand, dear ones, that there are aspects of yourselves that no longer serve your higher good, and therefore it is well the time that they are cut loose, shed, discarded, forgotten and left behind? Do you also feel the time has come for you to shed these layers of your third dimensional skin, just as your mother planet is also shedding the layers of her 3rd dimensional skin? As above, so below, the macrocosm to the microcosm, and so on.

We'd like you to think about this and think about how it is your mother planet can carry you with all your extra baggage into the higher realms. She cannot. She, as well as you, must both shed the extra baggage that serves to weigh her and weigh you down, as only certain aspects of her and of you are permitted, are capable of and are welcomed into ascension. Do you understand that time is so very short and it is now very necessary for all of you who wish for yourselves to experience ascension to find the time and the energy to focus on what it is that serves to weigh you down, what it is that no longer serves your higher good, and let it go into the ethers of your past?

Today we would like to discuss with you areas where there is room for improvement in the ways in which you communicate with each other. This is a very important subject, and this is one area of yourselves and of your lives that needs to be corrected, upgraded, raised to higher dimensional levels and standards. Far too often we read negative comments, insults and defamations fired upon one another throughout your online communities, and we say to you enough of this already, this has gone on too long now. We have suggested to you ways for you all to better communicate with each other and we do see that there are those of you who have accepted our suggestions and have worked hard to more effectively, politely and appropriately communicate with each other and respond to those who have led personal attacks on you and your choices and points of view."  forts.

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